Your task of the day

Sunday 26th July

Timer task

Your task for today is to use the stopwatch to time how long it takes you to eat one of your meals. 

 Try to time the same meal that you timed last week i.e. either breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

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Saturday 1st August

take breaks between bites

Your task for today is to eat one meal of the day with breaks between each bite.

After you place food in your mouth, put your knife, fork and spoon down.

This gives you a little more time between each bite and will hopefully help you to remain off autopilot! 

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Friday 31st July

Chew More, Eat less: Eating a snack mindfully

Listen to the mindful eating meditation audio below while you are eating your snack. Because you are starting out, eating your snack is going to take you a lot longer than it normally would, so make sure to leave yourself enough time to do the meditation without too much pressure to go back to work, school or any other commitments you might have.

If you have already eaten your snack for today then you can use this track tomorrow to complete the task. Alternatively, you can use it while eating the first few bits of a larger meal today. 

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Thursday 30th July

making goodies hard to find

Today’s task is all about the phrase “out of sight, out of mind”.

A study conducted led by Dr. Wansink at Cornell University found that when sweets were visible on the desk of office workers they ate 2 more sweets everyday for four weeks compared to when the chocolates were placed across the room, and out of eyesight.

So, your task for today is to make your goodies hard to find. Move your treats to the back of cupboards, or better yet place them in boxes and move them to hard to reach places. Do the same with treats in the fridge. If you have a desk, make sure that any treats you have in your office aren’t nearby. Move them away from your desk and out of sight so that if you really want some you have to get up to get them! 

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Wednesday 29th July

3 minute breathing space

Before each meal today, try and listen to this 3 minute breathing space meditation.

This meditation is helpful in manageing stress and feeling more centered, so should you feel some discomfort throuought the day or in the future you can also use this technique to help you cope

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Tuesday 28th July

Eating without distractions

A study conducted at Macquarie University, in New South Wales, Australia found that people who ate snacks while watching TV not only thought that they ate less snacks then they actually did, but also ate more than the control group in a meal later on in the day.

So today’s task is to eat all of your meals free from distraction.
Try to sit at a table, with your tv and radio off and you laptop and phone put away.

Though this is the task of the day, it would be great if you could try and make this a habit throughout this course and after!

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Monday 27th July

Self-compassion Meditation

Self-compassion has been linked to greater and more sustained weightloss during mindfulness interventions.
 So today’s task involves a short self-compassion meditation, to not only train your mindfulness skills but also your self-compassion skills.

The mediation should take around 20 minutes, so when you are ready just click on the link below.

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Sunday 26th July

Timer task

Your task for today is to use the stopwatch to time how long it takes you to eat one of your meals. Try to remember the technique you used in the first task – mindfully eating your snack. 

Every week on this day you will be asked to time the same meal and take a little longer.

Research shows that eating more slowly leaves you feeling fuller for longer, so take your time!.

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Saturday 25th July

Eating your meals with your non-dominant hand

Today’s task is to eat at least one meal with your non-dominant hand.

If you are right handed and eating soup for lunch try only holding the spoon in your left hand. In this way you are making eating your meal a little more awkward and therefore slowing down.

By coming off auto-pilot you give yourself more time to enjoy your meal and hopefully feel fuller!
This process is called pattern interruption and can help you eat less.
Enjoy your meal!

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Friday 24th July

Chew More, Eat less: Eating a snack mindfully

Your first task is to eat one of your snacks of the day mindfully. Don’t worry, we will help you.

Listen to the mindful eating meditation audio below while you are eating your snack. Because you are starting out, eating your snack is going to take you a lot longer than it normally would, so make sure to leave yourself enough time to do the meditation without too much pressure to go back to work, school or any other commitments you might have.

If you have already eaten your snack for today then you can use this track tomorrow to complete the task. Alternatively, you can use it while eating the first few bits of a larger meal today. 

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